Standard practice even here?

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Is there a way to inform myself about the practices of my country?
Is there a method to access industry reports and such statistics?
I often get the excuse from people that "we do it differently", then get no sources.
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Hi Andrew, welcome to our community!

What country are you from? Maybe we can help figure it out. :)
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Hi David!

I'm from Hungary.
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Valerie Shepard
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I am in Canada, so I honestly wouldn't know how things are done in Hungary. But I was born in Brazil, and when I watched Earthlings (like an old school Dominion -, I thought to myself: "oh, but here is different". Turns out, it isn't. Basically, I realized there are two extremes to the spectrum of animal abuse - artisanal abuse, and industrial abuse. Artisanal will produce less victims, sure, but it is still horrific. It's like giving a mass shooter a knife. Industrial is what happens with any product that needs to be made to meet mass demand.

So no matter the country, what we see on Earthlings and Dominion is the standard practice for everything that will end up in a super market shelf. Also, with Hungary being a part of the EU, it doesn't matter how idyllic is an animal's life on a farm (it isn't) - they end up in the same awful slaughterhouses. Sanitation regulations require so. So.... yeah! I'd bet money that what we see on Dominion is pretty close to what happens in any country.
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