Better citations needed

We already know we're perfect and there's nothing to improve, but on the off chance you have feedback, let us know!
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Steven Myburgh
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Hi. I am just starting this course, super excited, but I wanted to point out a misleading stat... when you say 'nearly half the planet's land is being used for livestock' it is not accurate, and the source link does not have a scientific citation attached to it. In fact, half of all habitable land (excluding glaciers and barren land, which account for 29% of all land) is used for all agriculture. Of this half, 77% is used as pasture and to grow animal feed.
It is important to note - aside from the horrific deforestation to make way for animal agriculture - that this pasture can be (most especially in Africa and parts of South America) natural to semi-natural grassland ecosystems that require some kind of herbivory in order to regenerate themselves, whether livestock or wildlife. Much pasture therefore has multiple users - biodiversity and livestock. I do not, however, have stats on the extent of this...
I think the more rigorous citations are, the less room there is for naysayers to attack one. I include the info below, which links to citations from the FAO.
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Hey Steven,

Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention! We agree that we need to make sure our citations meet a rigorous standard of quality.

Could you tell us which course and lesson you found this information? We'll send it to our content team to review, along with your information!

Thanks! :glowing-star:
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