New course added! "Effective Vegan Outreach" by Seb Alex

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Activist Hub
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Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:42 am
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Course: Dairy Milk
Courses Completed: 7/31

Hi everyone!

We have our first new course since launch!
How to communicate with non vegans about veganism in an effective and healthy manner. The information included could be used both at any street activism based outreach with the public or in our day to day lives with friends and family members.
Take the course by clicking here: ... r-seb-alex

About the author: Born and raised in Lebanon, Seb Alex moved to Europe in 2011 to pursue his career in Sustainable Architecture. Having worked with the UNHCR’s refugee program for a year, he then took the opportunity to enter the corporate world and work as an international coordinator of projects for an architecture company in Barcelona.​

A year after, he decided to leave his corporate life behind and dedicate all his time to what really speaks to his heart: Animal Rights Advocacy. ​

Please enjoy! :eye-face-love:
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