🙋🏽‍♂️ Mentoring New Vegans? Click here to apply!

Do you want to be a Vegan Mentor? Are you a registered vegan dietitian? Apply here and we'll get in touch!
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Activist Hub
Site Admin
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:42 am
Stars: 15120
Course: Dairy Milk
Courses Completed: 7/31

Hi there!

Vegan Bootcamp is always looking for volunteer Vegan Mentors to help our community of non-vegans with their transition!

What would you do here?

Our vegan mentors get access to the "Request a Mentor" forums here so that they can respond and help people who request it! We just ask our mentors to check the forums every few days and respond and help out with questions when they have the time, it's pretty relaxed, and you'd be helping out a lot!

Great! So how do I get started?

If this is the type of vegan activism you'd be interested in helping with, thank you! Please fill out the form below detailing your experience and qualifications.

Apply here: https://forms.gle/jTz6xB5Gmazg3jtz8

We'll be in touch as soon as possible!

Thank you SO MUCH for your volunteer time and activism - when we all work together, we'll be able to reach that kind world much faster!

Vegan Bootcamp