Here is a short list of some potential mistakes I noticed while I was doing the course. I did not go through all the bonus content for each section, and I do not think I found every potential mistake in even the sections that I did read; but, I hope this is helpful.
Meat, Overview of Meat, claim that there has been a tribe eating vegan for 5,000 years
- Some sources I looked at seem to think that this was a pretty disputed claim. I think it detracts from the credibility of veganbootcamp (as well as PETA, who host the article) to stand firmly behind this claim
Meat, Plant Based Meat Alternatives, “But luckily, in 2019, there are numerous meat plant-based meat alternatives available grocery stores, online, and even in restaurants”
- Maybe meant to be “numerous plant-based meat alternatives”
Meat, What to know about B12, “Take a weekly B12 supplement providing at least 2000 micrograms”
- This number seems out of line with the daily recommendations for B12 (10 micrograms). This seems confusing to me, but I assume there’s a good reason for it—maybe you have to take a lot once a week in order to get a suitable amount of absorption?
Cosmetics, A guide to vegan brands, “PETA’s Bunnies without beauty program”
- Maybe meant to be “Beaty without bunnies”
Fish, Fish health overview, “fish and other fish is loaded”
- Potentail mistake
Fish, Fish Facts Infographic, [there’s nothing there]
Clothing, The Leather Industry, “of leather, like kid leather to things like”
- Potentail mistake
Clothing, The Leather Industry, “highly likely that that the animals there”
- Maybe meant to be “likely that the animals “
Clothing, Avoiding Animal Products, “The two on the left are to be avoided. The two on the right are vegan”
- The description does not properly correspond to the image it’s describing
Activism, Transforming & Supporting Restaurants, “you should also find a way to also post it online in order”
- Double also
Activism, Making Money & Donating, “Something like two-thirds of people don’t have any grasp of core financial literacy principles, which is why more than 60 percent of all Americans don’t even have sufficient funds on-hand to cover a $1000 emergency.”
- It might be more accurate to mention that that’s one of the reasons why Americans don’t… The reasons for poverty in America are complex and go beyond financial literacy, I think
Activism, Do something, anything!, “Big or small, it doesn't matter, do what suits you best!We would love to see pictures of you doing activism on our Discord server!”
- Just a space missing between “best!” and “We”
Justifications, Nature, Biology or Evolution Justifications, “choices we make.Our contributing writer, Sherry Colb”
- Space missing between “make.” and “Our”
Justifications, Vegan Myths Debunked, “you going vegan People will naturall”
- Missed period between “vegan” and “People”
Get Activist Funding, Introduction to Activist Funding, “plenty of investors want to fund impactful activism”
- I this phrase is missing a “who” or a “that”
Finances & Budget, How to Save Money, video
- There’s something wrong with this page, I think
Groceries, Guide to Food Labels, “There’s an app for this! Spoon Guru is a free food search”
- Spoon Guru appears to no longer be a functioning app (as of January, 2021)
Cowspiracy, Quiz: Cowspiracy, “For 1 pound of fish, how many pounds of unintended species are caught?”
- One of the answers for this questions appears to contain a significant mistake
Community, Community Overview, “More often then not family and friends may ask disheartening questions about veganism.”
- I think this is meant to be “More often than not”
Community, List of Vegan Communities, “/r/Fermentation is listed as it's useful”
- I don’t think “/r/Fermentation” is listed
Wild Animal Suffering, Starvation, Contraception, and Genetics, “But the scientific community are optimistic that genetic engineering”
- Maybe meant to be “community is”
Wild Animal Suffering, Other factors worth knowing about, “benefit, given the cost because that means we can”
- maybe meant to be “benefit, given the cost, because”
Environmental FAQ’s, The specific food questions, “Due to deforestation and the impact it has on biodiversity more and more vegans are chosen to opt”
- Maybe meant to be “biodiversity, more and more vegans are choosing to” (notice there’s two potential edits there)
Environmental FAQ’s, Conclusion, “and remember that the essential message. Animal products use far more land”
- Maybe meant to be “remember the essential message: animal” or “remember that the essential message is that animal”, etc.
Environmental FAQ’s, Quiz: Environment, “If someone says vegans eat a lot of soya, what’s the best answer?”
- This question on the quiz seems to be a bit messed up. To start, option B’s formatting is a bit off. But, more importantly, the only answer it accepts is both A and B, which are contradicting answers. From what I read in the course, B seems to be the right answer, but the quiz won’t accept it. Also, there appears to be no celebration/action page after the quiz for this lesson
Basically all links need to be checked to see if they’re still active; a lot of the ones I clicked on in the project were not
Some potential mistakes I noticed
- Michael Gerry
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:31 pm
- Stars: 3470
- Course: Meat
- Courses Completed: 32/33